
Tips for a Prairie Winter

1. Windows & Patio Doors: In the cold winter months, it is not recommended to keep your windows open. The prairie winters can be quite harsh and having windows open in inclement weather can cause damage to the suites and the building. Pipes can freeze and burst causing flooding and damage. Please do not turn the heat off, set your suite thermostat to at least 21 degrees Celsius (70 Fahrenheit).

2. Building Entrances: Make sure to close the entrance door completely behind you. This is for a couple of reasons, one being keep the cold outside and another for personal safety. Do not let strangers into the building, if they need in building, they can contact the appropriate tenant.

3. Vehicles: In the winter months, make sure to clear all snow off your vehicle and windows prior to driving. Also, if your vehicle is plugged in, make sure to unplug it when you leave your spot.

4. Snow Clearing: During the winter months you will get notices for parking lot snow clearing. Please ensure to move your vehicles out of your spot during that time, so it can properly get cleared out.

5. Building Issues: Please notify your Site Manager immediately of any water leaks, heating issues etc. Also, if you notice windows in stairwell open, please close them to prevent freezing.

6. Space Heaters: Please only use space heaters with an automatic shut off. Only use these heaters when you are home and only when necessary. Keep pets & children away from space heaters and never use space heaters in bathrooms.

Most Important…. Always be prepared for the elements of Winter! Dress warm and be safe!